Saturday, December 13, 2008

A question for Robert Borosage and Barack Obama about the Big Three bailout

The Campaign for America's Future refused to allow this question to be posted on its web site in response to an essay by Robert Borosage supporting the bailout of the Big Three:

Why should tax-payers bailout an industry that made such enormous profits over the last 90 years; and, then, took those profits--- wealth created by workers--- and invested those profits in cheap labor markets overseas knowing full well what was going to happen?

Borosage's essay can be read here:

Comment: Notice that Robert Borosage completely omits the enormous profits made by the Big Three... these profits are the wealth created by workers and stolen in the form of profits from both auto workers and society.

This tremendous wealth has not disappeared simply because Robert Borosage and Barack Obama choose not to talk about this wealth.

Question: Why has Robert Borosage and the Campaign for America's Future ducked the issue of nationalization of the auto industry?

Comment: What tax-payers finance, tax-payers should own.

Alan Maki submitted the following Letter to the Editor of the Minneapolis Star Tribune which refused publication:

November 12, 2008

First Wall Street Bankers. Now the Big Three automakers. Who is coming for a handout and free lunch next? The lobbying industry?

The government is prepared to let the St. Paul Ford Twin City Assembly Plant and two-thousand jobs go down the river because there was no money to save this one plant and now tax-payers are being told, not even asked, that they will be bailing out the entire auto industry.

Obviously free enterprise has failed. Why should tax-payers bailout the Big Three when in a few months the price of each of the Big Three's stocks should be less than one-dollar a share.

Tax-payers will have the opportunity to purchase the entire automotive industry for a real bargain for far less than what the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are costing us.

A board consisting of all the stake-holders could be brought together and we could finally produce quality products which are environmentally friendly... not to mention affordable.

Capitalism hasn't worked; socialism will.

The Big Three cry poverty after they have taken the wealth created by North American workers and invested that wealth in quest of cheaper labor and resources overseas.

I don't believe politicians would even consider turning over one penny to these greedy corporations without even having had the opportunity to see their books... all the books, including their international operations.

What tax-payers finance, tax-payers should own.

Nationalization under public ownership is the solution to the problems of the auto industry.

The time has come to put People, Jobs and the Environment Before Corporate Profits!

Alan L. Maki

58891 County Road 13

Warroad, Minnesota 56763

Phone: 218-386-2432

Cell phone: 651-587-5541


Check out my blog:

Thoughts From Podunk

An Alternative to the Campaign for America's Future

This blog, the Campaign for America's Socialist Future, is intended to be a socialist alternative to the Campaign for America's Future headed up by Robert Borosage.

The Campaign for America's Future is intended to provide the Democratic with a cover for continued inaction concerning the problems faced by the working class.

The Campaign for America's Future is where muddle-headed, middle class intellectuals gather to pontificate about the problems of our country behind coming up with all kinds of schemes to frame "progressive" policy directions but never offer any concrete solutions to real problems.

America's future under capitalism is very bleak as far as the plight of working people and the working class is concerned.

Politicians, Democrats and Republicans, do everything possible to cover up and conceal facts and statistics from working people.

Barack Obama and his staff were fully aware that our Nation was far into a very deep "economic downturn" much worse than your "garden variety recession" for well over a year before the Election yet Obama with held the economic facts from the American people and only began discussing the economy once information began to slip through the cracks.

Most Americans eligible to vote no longer even bother to vote anymore because they have been so marginalized by the capitalist system.

Recently I, along with dozens of other Marxists, were prohibited from posting our views on the Campaign for America's Future's web site as Obama attempts to tighten control over ideas and free expression in our country at the behest of his Wall Street handlers.

A progressive agenda requires:

1. That real solutions to the problems of working people and the working class be clearly articulated;

2. Education on the issues;

3. Organizations be initiated to work for the solution of problems;

4. Unity and mass, militant struggle on the part of working people and the working class;

5. The building of a popular people's front bringing together all of those with a variety of problems in a way that gives us the strength to stand up to Wall Street and the military-financial-industrial complex.

For our own survival there are two organizational requirements:

1. We need to develop a vast network of socialist clubs in our communities and places of employment;

2. We need to build an alternative to the Democratic Party, which is part of the "two-party trap."

The Campaign for America's Future fears the socialist alternative to capitalism and seeks to create some kind of kinder, gentler more humane form of capitalism. Quite frankly, all of our problems stem from the fact that exploitation of man-by-man is an integral part of the capitalist system. Common sense tells us that as long as the corporate drive for profits is primary to everything else we are not going to be able to solve our most basic and fundamental problems.

Capitalism is now well on its way into being mired in a never-ending, deep, economic depression from which there is no escape.

Working people on every continent have been quick to realize the severity of this economic crisis because every day of their lives is a day of crisis of one sort or another... something that the muddle-headed middle class intellectuals are not able to comprehend from their Ivory Towers and offices in Washington D.C.

On this blog we will be analyzing those muddle-headed, middle class pontifications emanating from the Campaign for America's Future in a way that projects a real progressive agenda.

The time has come to talk about the politics and economics of livelihood and the needed working class action which is not limited to the electoral arena but includes it.

The successful militant struggle and initiative of Republic Windows and Doors workers in Chicago standing up for their rights and refusing to back down until they received from their crooked, corrupt and politically and financially well connected employer what they were entitled to helps show the way.

Alan L. Maki...........The Podunk Blog
Cassandra James.....Detroit Woman
Benny Rairdon........The Struggle Ahead
Jeff Sippila............The Lunch Pail
Rita Polewski.........The Minnesota Problem